Ep.17 – "Advocating for Mexican Gray Wolves" feat. Amy Harwood
The challenges & joys of working for the wolves

"Advocating for Mexican Gray Wolves" feat. Amy Harwood
On June 2nd, 2020, I interviewed Amy Harwood of Lobos of the Southwest about her organization’s advocacy for the Mexican Gray Wolf, and particularly for its reintroduction into the wild.
Lobos of the Southwest is a joint outreach and education initiative of several different environmental organizations and individuals who live in the southwest US.
In our conversation, we talked about how the Mexican Gray Wolf nearly went extinct; breeding and reintroduction efforts, including cross-fostering puppies; the challenges of working with the US Fish & Wildlife Agency; cultural challenges; how 2020 was a rough year for the Wolf; and the joys of public advocacy, especially working with young people.
Lobos of the Southwest https://mexicanwolves.org/
How to participate in commenting on new Wolf rule https://mexicanwolves.org/index.php/news/2058/51/TAKE-ACTION-US-Fish-Wildlife-Begins-60-Day-Public-Comment-Period-on-Mexican-Wolves
Pup Naming Contest! https://pupnamingcontest.org/
Webcam: Mexican Gray Wolves Lighthawk and Trumpet https://nywolf.org/meet-our-wolves/webcams/webcam-mexican-gray-wolves-lighthawk-and-trumpet/
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