Ep.37 – "Facing the Climate Emergency" feat. Margaret Klein Salamon

Turning fear into action

Ep. 37: "Facing the Climate Emergency" feat. Margaret Klein Salamon

Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD, is a clinical psychologist turned climate warrior whose work helps people to face the deeply frightening, painful truths of climate change and transform their despair into effective action. She is the founding director of The Climate Mobilization and Climate Mobilization Project. Their mission is to initiate an emergency-speed, all-hands-on-deck mobilization to protect humanity and the natural world from climate catastrophe.

Prof. Salamon and I spoke on Aug. 27th about her new book, "Facing the Climate Emergency."

"Facing the Climate Emergency" book: https://facingtheclimateemergency.com/

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

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Ep.36 – "The Mythical, the Political & the Sublime" feat. Phil Rockstroh

A truly wide-ranging discussion

"The Mythical, the Political & the Sublime" feat. Phil Rockstroh

Phil Rochstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in Munich, Germany. His mother escaped Nazi Germany after the Gestapo arrested her father. His father born on a Choctaw reservation and adopted out by white parents but did not learn about his origin until later in adult life. Phil grew up in Appalachia, lived in Manhattan and eventually expatriated to Germany.

I was inspired to ask Phil to be on the show by a recent essay he wrote: "The Banality of Evil of The Evil of Two Lessers + The Democratic Party’s Raison D’être Is To Co-Opt, Absorb, Marginalize, and Neutralize The Left." But when we started talking, we immediately branched out to other topics including names; the legacy of our ancestors; how German youth helped spark the hippie movement; the drama, poetry & gods of ancient Greece; Appalachian culture; the alienation of contemporary life; Phil's lifelong travels, and much much more.

The Banality of Evil of The Evil of Two Lessers + The Democratic Party’s Raison D’être Is To Co-Opt, Absorb, Marginalize, and Neutralize The Left https://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2020/08/25/the-banality-of-evil-of-the-evil-of-two-lessers-the-democratic-partys-raison-detre-is-to-co-opt-absorb-marginalize-and-neutralize-the-left-by-phil-rockstroh/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phil.rockstroh

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

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Ep.35 – "Thoughts from the Other Side of the Pond" feat. Alley Valkyrie

Heretical musings from an expatriot

"Thoughts from the Other Side of the Pond" feat. Alley Valkyrie

Alley Valkyrie is a social activist, writer, artist, spirit-worker and co-founder of GODS & RADICALS Press. Though she is a US American citizen, she has been living in France for the last few years. We spoke on Sept. 3rd about American exceptionalism, religious fundamentalism, political differences between the US and Europe, the spirit of resistance in France, and the alarming rise of fascism in the US. We open the discussion with an excerpt from a recent essay she wrote.

Gods & Radicals Press: https://abeautifulresistance.org/

"Thoughts from the other side of the pond" https://abeautifulresistance.org/site/2020/8/5/thoughts-from-the-other-side-of-the-pond

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

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Ep.34 – "The US Clusterf*ck" feat. Forrest Palmer

A view from the unapologetic left

"The US Clusterf*ck" feat. Forrest Palmer

An electrical engineer by training, Forrest Palmer is an activist who lives in Houston, Texas. His work can be found at Wrong Kind of Green, which advocates an anti-capitalist approach to environmental work.

We talked on September 5th, and touched on the clusterf*ck of 2020, the George Floyd protests, the plight of millennials, Bernie Sanders, the ongoing collapse of the US, COVID-19, the flawed nature of the US Constitution, the inadequacy of a Green New Deal, climate chaos, climate denialism on both sides of the political aisle, the lack of class awareness in the US, the impossibility of returning to the so-called glory days of post-WWII America, the need for radical change beyond the ballot box, the corporate media, near term human extinction.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/forrest.palmer

Wrong Kind of Green http://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Try Pinecast for free, forever, no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-a50345 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Voices for Nature & Peace.

Ep.33 – "Creating Cultural Transformation" feat. Riane Eisler

Domination vs. Cooperation

"Creating Cultural Transformation" feat. Riane Eisler

Riane Eisler is a social systems scientist, cultural historian, and attorney whose research, writing, and speaking has transformed the lives of people worldwide. Dr. Eisler pioneered the expansion of human rights theory and action to include the majority of humanity: women and children. Her research provides a new perspective on our past, present, and possibilities for the future, including a new social and political agenda for building a more humane and environmentally sustainable world. Her book, "The Chalice & the Blade: Our History, Our Future," had a big influence on my own perspective on human culture in general and patriarchy specifically, as did her 1988 lecture with Terence McKenna, "Man & Woman At The End Of History."

Eisler's latest book, Nurturing Our Humanity, offers a new perspective on our personal and social options in today’s world, showing how to structure our environments – from family and gender relations to politics and economics – to support our great capacities for consciousness, caring, and creativity.

This is a special edition of Voices for Nature & Peace, in which I team up with Patrick Farnsworth of the "Last Born in the Wilderness" podcast. Thank you to Patrick for the invitation to collaborate and for handling the recording.

Riane Eisler: https://rianeeisler.com/

Last Born in the Wilderness podcast: https://www.lastborninthewilderness.com

Last Born in the Wilderness Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lastborninthewilderness

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Try Pinecast for free, forever, no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-a50345 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Voices for Nature & Peace.

Ep.32 – "Right Wingers Descend on Portland" feat. Blank, a street journalist

On-the-ground report from our local correspondent

Ep. 32: "Right Wingers Descend on Portland" feat. Blank, a street journalist

On-the-ground reporting from our local correspondent

On Saturday, August 29th, right-wingers including Proud Boys and Trump supporters met up in the Portland area to stir up trouble with the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests. Hundreds of them met up in a shopping mall parking lot outside the city and caravanned downtown. Blank, a street journalist who is our Portland correspondent, happens to live near the mall, so he headed over and blended into the crowd so he could observe. He ended up driving with the caravan downtown, where a right-winger was shot dead under circumstances that are still mysterious. Blank tells us what he saw that day. We also touched on the history of racism in the state of Oregon and mayoral politics in Portland. This is Blank's third appearance on the podcast. See also episodes #14 & 25.

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Try Pinecast for free, forever, no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-a50345 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Voices for Nature & Peace.

Ep.31 – "The Liminal Space of 2020" feat. Jessica L'abbé

Reflections on the disease of the West

Ep. 31: "The Liminal Space of 2020" feat. Jessica L'abbé

Jessica L'abbé is a resident of Alberta, Canada, where she is a nurse and a gardener among other things. In our wide-ranging conversation, we talk about the challenges and possibilities of 2020 on both sides of the border.

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Try Pinecast for free, forever, no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-a50345 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Voices for Nature & Peace.

Ep.30 – How the "Defund the Police" Proposal was Blocked in Minneapolis, feat. Robin Wonsley

Listening to a voice in the movement

Ep. 30: How "Defund the Police" was Blocked in Minneapolis

In mid-July, Counterpunch published, “Minneapolis Ballot Measure to Dismantle the Police Will Test the Strength of Our Movement,” authored by Robin Wonsley & Ty Moore. Intrigued by this article, I contacted Robin, and less than a month later, I interviewed her for my podcast. But already the proposal—which had attracted so much national attention—was dead, killed by the city’s undemocratic and bureaucratic process. Robin and I talked in depth about how this happened, including how the activist community sabotaged itself by giving away its power to the City Council.

The movement against racist policing in Minneapolis is certainly not over, but a battle was lost, and Robin’s analysis will be helpful for that movement, not just in Minneapolis, but around the whole nation.

Robin is a labor organizer with Education Minnesota, a Black socialist, and plays a leading role in Twin Cities DSA. She was previously a staff organizer with 15 Now Minnesota and helped organize the fight to make Minneapolis the first midwest city to win a $15/hour minimum wage.

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Try Pinecast for free, forever, no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-a50345 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Voices for Nature & Peace.

Ep.29 – "Joy of Resistance" feat. Bette Lee

Interview with an activist photographer

"Joy of Resistance" feat. Bette Lee

Interview with an activist photographer

Bette Lee is a 70 year-old Asian American activist who's been involved in the struggle for justice and equality for over 30 years. She is a substitute teacher at an alternative high school for mostly Black and Brown students. She currently resides (and resists) in Portland.

In the early 2000s, when I was doing street journalism in Portland, it seemed like I ran into Bette Lee at every protest, rally and march I attended. I became a fan of her photography then, when she posted it regularly to the Portland Indymedia website. She was one of my favorite people in the activist scene there. So I was thrilled when, on July 31st, I saw an article published on Counterpunch under her byline: "Tear Gas and Thugs at the BLM Protests in Portland." I tracked her down on social media and arranged for this interview. It was a real pleasure to connect with her again.

Bette Lee's photography on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/joyofresistance/

"Tear Gas and Thugs at the BLM Protests in Portland" by Bette Lee (Counterpunch, 8.31.2020) https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/07/31/tear-gas-and-thugs-at-the-blm-protests-in-portland/

Email: leebette (AT) gmail (DOT) com

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Try Pinecast for free, forever, no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-a50345 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Voices for Nature & Peace.

Ep.28 – "Update from Strawberry Rock Treesit" feat. Lupine

Breaking News: Logging has started

Ep. 28: "Update from Strawberry Rock Treesit" feat. Lupine

In this special breaking news episode, I talk again with Lupine, a tree sitter in Northern California, who I originally interviewed for episode 19, back in early June. Forest defenders have been occupying trees around Strawberry Rock, north of Eureka/Arcata since April 1st, and in the last week, Green Diamond, the logging company, has resumed work in the area, clearcutting the forest. Lupine has been witnessing this tragedy first-hand, from her perch, 60 feet up in one of the trees.

Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redwoodforestdefense/

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/redwoodforestdefense/rfd

RADIO FREE SUNROOT: Podcasting by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume https://radiofreesunroot.com

KOLLIBRI'S BLOG & BOOKSHOP: https://macskamoksha.com/

Support Voices for Nature & Peace by donating to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/voices-for-nature-and-peace

This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Try Pinecast for free, forever, no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-a50345 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Voices for Nature & Peace.

Copyright 2020 by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume